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Thursday, 12 May 2016

Ambedkar Statues in Gold Color

Made by Sculptor Bodasu Venkataramana who lives in Hyderabad , AndhraPradesh The Sculptor Bodasu Venkataramana specializes in ambedkar statues.

Ambedkar Honouring Statue Maker Bodasu Venkataramana

The Sculptor Bodasu Venkataramana specializes in ambedkar statues. He has started making ambedkar statues since 1991.

Ambedkar Statue Images

He has started making ambedkar statues since 1991. The first statue of his is ambedkar statue at a very young age. Till now he has made about 400 statues of ambedkar in various poses, sizes and materials like bronze, clay, cement, fiber etc.

Gandhi Statue sitting position

Gandhi Statues Made by Bodasu Venkataramana.Oneof the statues was ordered by GSI (Geological Survey of India). Venkataramana was honoured by GSI on the occation of unveiling of the statue of Mahatma Gandhi.

Kannada Actor VishnuVardan Burst Statue

                                           Kannada Actor VishnuVardan Burst Statue

Ambedkar Burst Statue Short Size

                                                  Ambedkar Burst Statue Short Size

Ambedkar Burst Statue Short Size

                                                    Ambedkar Burst Statue Short Size